This website is brought to you by the British Egg Information Service (BEIS), which is administered by the British Egg Industry Council (BEIC). Alongside recipe inspiration, the Service team educates consumers on the benefits of eating eggs, working with a panel of nutritionists to provide answers to all of your egg-related questions.
BEIC is recognised by Government and Parliament as the representative voice of the UK egg industry.
The extensive recipes section on the egg info website will give you plenty of ideas to help crack some delicious and nutritious egg dishes.
There are popular egg recipes, quick and easy dishes, recipes for kids and many more.
Eggs are packed with protein, vitamins and minerals and there’s so much you can do with them, so always keep a pack in the fridge for affordable meals at any time of the day.
When buying eggs, always look for the red British Lion mark on shell and on pack to ensure they have been produced to the highest standards of food safety. They are also the only eggs the Food Standards Agency has said are safe for vulnerable groups including pregnant women, babies, young children and the elderly to enjoy runny.