Eggs are a highly nutritious food that can make an important contribution to the diet of babies, providing them with high quality protein as well as many vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin D, iodine and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. You can find more information on these nutrients here.
When can my baby eat eggs?
Eggs can be introduced at around six months of age, as they are a good source of protein and contain many important vitamins and minerals.
Read more: When can babies eat eggs?
Can I give my baby runny eggs?
Yes, you can give your baby runny eggs, as long as they have the British Lion mark on. The Food Standards Agency has confirmed that British Lion eggs can safely be eaten runny, even by pregnant women, babies and elderly people. That’s good news in the early days of weaning as babies may find it easier to eat softer textured egg dishes than hard-cooked eggs.
Read the full details of the latest FSA advice on runny eggs.
Can babies eat boiled eggs?
Yes, boiled eggs are a perfect early food for babies – a runny boiled egg and bread or toast soldiers has been a favourite for babies through the generations! They work whether you are spoon-feeding your baby or following baby-led weaning. Just make sure your egg has the British Lion mark on when you’re serving your boiled egg runny. If you’re trying baby-led weaning, you can let your baby have a go themselves – chop and mash a lightly boiled egg in a bowl with some bread and butter and baby can feed themselves the eggy bread.
Can I give my baby whole eggs?
Yes, your baby can be given the whole egg – it’s the best way for them to benefit from the full range of protein, vitamins and minerals they contain and to help reduce the risk of later egg allergy. If they appear not to like the white or the yolk of a boiled or poached egg, then try offering them some lightly cooked scrambled egg, or an omelette which can be given as a finger food for baby-led weaning. If you’re giving your baby lightly cooked egg, always make sure the egg has the British Lion mark on.
Can my baby develop an egg allergy?
A small number of babies are allergic to eggs, although many will outgrow this allergy in later life.
Research suggests that mothers could actually limit the possibility of their baby having an egg allergy by eating eggs when they are pregnant and breastfeeding, and giving them to babies when introducing solid foods (weaning) from around 6 months. It is thought that this early introduction of eggs provides the best chance of creating tolerance - when the immune system accepts egg proteins without reaction.
Start with a small amount and, if there is no reaction, larger amounts of eggs can be introduced. Delayed introduction may be counter-productive as it is thought that this may be more likely to be associated with subsequent development of allergies. If you are concerned that your baby has had a reaction to or may be allergic to eggs, you should seek the advice of your GP or health visitor. You can find more detailed information on egg allergy here.
Read more: Egg allergy in babies
If you are a health professional, you can find out more about egg consumption in pregnancy and infant diets in the Journal of Health Visiting.
Why you can trust this page
All information checked by an independent Registered Nutritionist/Dietitian.
The website is provided by the British Egg Industry Council (BEIC). BEIC is recognised by Government and Parliament as the representative voice of the UK egg industry.
See also
There is lots of advice and tips on feeding eggs to babies, including recipes for all ages, on our egg recipes section.