7 Common Mistakes When Cooking Scrambled Eggs

Are your scrambled eggs not up to scratch? Not to worry, you’re probably making the same mistakes as everybody else. There are plenty of tips out there on how to cook perfect scrambled eggs, but we thought it would be helpful to look at some of the things to avoid if you want to get light and fluffy the first time round.
Don’t whisk too long before cooking – don’t leave too much time between whisking your eggs and adding them to the pan whilst you get other things ready. By whisking them immediately before cooking you can trap more air which makes the scramble fluffy and light.
Avoid overcooking – the key to this is turning off the heat just before you think the eggs are cooked, i.e. when they look wet but not runny. The leftover heat will continue to cook the eggs to perfection for that extra minute. If you wait they are fully cooked before preparing to serve, the eggs will continue to cook and may end up dry.
Out with the old, in with the new – the age of the egg can make a big difference. Eggs have porous shells, letting air in and out, losing moisture and absorbing odours every day they spend in your fridge. The fresher the egg, the better the scramble!
High heat – what’s your rush? Eggs only take a few minutes to cook anyway; low heat works best to reduce the risk of browning and overcooking. It also gives you more control over the overall consistency and reduces the risk of burning them.
Stir to scramble - you'll want to stir often for fluffy creamy eggs, this allows the egg curds to break down further making them smaller and softer. We recommend you stir with a wooden spoon rather than a fork for maximum fluffiness.
Season at the end - don’t season your egg too early. Salt can break down the egg making it watery, so wait until they are done before adding your seasoning.
So there you are! No longer will you puzzle over your soggy scrambles, and instead you’ll enjoy light and fluffy dishes every time you fancy it. Once you’ve managed to perfect your craft, how about cooking with the pros and trying out Dean Edward’s Masala Scrambled Eggs or Paul Merret’s Salmon Scrambled Eggs.