Hens producing organic eggs are always free range. In addition, hens must be fed an organically produced diet and range on organic land.
The hen house conditions for organic hens are set by the EU Organic Regulations and stipulate a maximum stocking density of 6 hens per square metre of useable area and a maximum flock size of 3,000 birds. Hens must be provided with nest boxes. Adequate perches, providing 18 centimetres of perch per hen, must also be provided. Litter must be provided, accounting for one-third of the ground surface - this is used for scratching and dust bathing.
Additional requirements of the Lion code
The higher standards governing flocks producing British Lion organic eggs include the provision of outdoor shading, additional height and width of popholes, open for 8 hours daily to allow access to the outside; and a maximum range area stocking density of up to 2,000 birds per hectare.