We all have our preferences on the egg whites vs egg yolk topic, but when it comes down to nutrients how do they differ? We’ve broken down the nutritional qualities of each below.
Eggs are considered one of the highest quality forms of protein ahead of cow’s milk and beef. Egg whites are especially renowned for their high levels of protein, however yolk contains more on a gram for gram basis. Egg whites have 10.8g per 100g but are trumped by egg yolk which contains 16.4g per 100g. However, as there is more egg white volume than yolk in each egg, white grabs the protein spotlight.
Eggs contain a number of different types of fat which are present entirely within the yolk. They are naturally high in monounsaturated fats. These fats help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. Eggs also offer polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acids, which are needed for normal brain function. Egg whites have no fat content whatsoever.
Vitamins and minerals
The vitamin qualities of the egg are all included in the yolk too - the so-called fat soluble vitamins A, E, D and K can all be found in this yellow nucleus together with significant amounts of B vitamins (B2, B12 and folate). The egg white contains much smaller amounts of these B vitamins. The yolk also contains a variety of minerals which are incredibly important for our bodies to function properly - these include selenium, phosphorus and iodine, whereas the whites contain much lower concentrations of these nutrients.
Calories are a measurement of energy found within your food. Keeping these calories balanced against your energy use helps maintain a healthy weight. A typical medium egg contains fewer than 70 calories and can help with portion control. Egg whites contain a total of 15 calories based on a medium sized egg whilst the nutrient-dense yolk has around 52 calories.