Baby’s first omelette

Baby’s first omelette

A quick and simple omelette, an ideal early finger food and packed full of nutrition with eggs providing high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Suitable from six months.


  • 1 British Lion egg
  • 1 tbsp whole milk
  • A little unsalted butter or cooking oil


  1. Crack the egg into a jug and beat briefly with the milk.
  2. Heat the butter in a small frying pan over a medium-high heat and pour in the egg/milk mix. Swirl the pan to spread the egg and stir briefly with a rubber spatula. Swirl again then fry for 1 minute before flipping. Fold the omelette and slide onto a plate. Cool slightly then chop into fingers roughly 6cm by 1.5cm, so your baby can hold with a little sticking out of their fist. Serve when cooled.

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