False equivalence or fake news: is a peanut really an egg?
Martin C G ,08 April 2021 ,False equivalence or fake news: is a peanut really an egg? ,The Journal of Nutrition ,doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxab051
Proteins are essential in the human diet because they provide
the basis for all structural and functional components of living
cells.All proteins are made up of 20 amino acid building blocks.
Of the 20 amino acids in body proteins, 9 are indispensable
or essential (1). Essential amino acids are those which cannot
be synthesized and must be provided from the diet. Therefore,
promoting and achieving adequate protein nutrition within
a population requires knowledge of protein and amino acid
requirements. However, although necessary, this knowledge
alone is not sufficient. What must also be known is the capacity
of food proteins to meet the metabolic demand of the body for
the essential amino acids (the protein quality).
The essential amino acid composition is the most important
predictor of the quality of a dietary protein, while the
digestibility and bioavailability (metabolic availability) are the
next most important factors. Differences in protein digestibility
among foods are related to the nature of the food proteins,
the presence of antinutritional factors (e.g., fiber, tannins, and
phytates), and the presence of antiphysiological factors (e.g.,
trypsin inhibitors) and processing conditions which reduce the
nutritional value of proteins by altering their chemical structure.
Animal proteins contain an essential amino acid profile that is
superior to that of plant proteins (2), and the animal protein
amino acids are highly bioavailable (3). Relative to animal
proteins, plant proteins have lower anabolic potential (2, 4),
largely due to their lower essential amino acid content and
In setting the cup and ounce equivalents within each food
group, the authors of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
stated that “cup-and ounce-equivalents identify the amount of
foods from each food group with similar nutritional content”
(5). Because the nutritional relevance of a dietary protein is
predicated primarily on its essential amino acid composition
within the protein food group, the amounts of food identified
as an ounce-equivalent represent a “false equivalence.” For
each plant-based protein source, the total grams of protein per
“ounce equivalent” is no more than half that of the animal
proteins, and except for tofu, the relative content of each
essential amino acid in the plant-based proteins (peanut butter,
kidney beans, mixed nuts) is several-fold lower than the animal
GC-M has received funding from the Canadian Institute of Health Research and
Seeding Food Innovation Grant, George Weston Ltd.
The author reported no funding received for this study.
Author disclosures: The author reports no conflicts of interest.
Address correspondence to GC-M (e-mail: [email protected]).
proteins (beef sirloin, pork loin, egg). However, assessment of
dietary protein quality is required to objectively establish the
ability of the protein intake to support not just the maintenance
but also the synthesis and growth of the total protein in the
whole body.
In this regard, the study by Park et al. (6), published in
this issue of the Journal of Nutrition, makes an important and
timely contribution which could inform expert decisions in
the setting of future Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Using
stable isotope tracer methodology, the authors investigated
the anabolic response in 56 young healthy adult men who
each consumed 1 of 7-oz equivalent protein food sources
(beef sirloin, pork loin, egg, tofu, peanut butter, kidney beans,
mixed nuts). Subjects consumed a weight maintenance diet
which provided 1.2 g.kg−1 protein per day for 3 d before the
study day. On the study day, protein kinetics were studied in
subjects in the fasted state and after consumption of the protein
meal. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive either beef
sirloin, pork loin, egg, tofu, peanut butter, kidney beans, or
mixed nuts (8 subjects per group). Each food was provided
as 2 “ounce equivalents” which equaled 56 g of cooked beef
sirloin and cooked pork loin, 2 cooked eggs, 12
cup (140 g)
red kidney beans, 2 tablespoons (30 g) peanut butter, 4 oz
(112 g) tofu, or 1 oz (28 g) mixed nuts. Protein kinetics
were normalized by calorie and essential amino acid intake.
The primary outcome was the change in net protein balance
(PB) relative to baseline. Secondary outcomes included protein
synthesis (PS), protein breakdown, and the relation between the
essential amino acid content of the food proteins and the protein
kinetics.While the foods were consumed orally, the tracers were
intravenously infused. Therefore, the phenylalanine kinetics and
balance estimates which are used as a surrogate for whole-body
protein balance may not necessarily reflect the effect of splenic
metabolism and could be confounded by correcting for ileal
digestibility of the test proteins. Nonetheless, whole-body PB is
a useful way to assess the metabolic utilization of these proteins.
The main findings of Park et al. (6) were that the wholebody
anabolic response or net PB was greater in the groups that
consumed the animal-based rather than the plant-based proteins
and that changes in the net PB were directly related to the
essential amino acid content of the “ounce equivalent” protein
source. Interestingly, consumption of tofu, which is considered
a complete plant protein and has an essential amino acid profile
similar to that of animal protein, resulted in a net PB lower
than the animal protein and more like kidney beans and peanut