Braised pork parlow with runny eggs Serves: 6 Prep: 60 mins Cook: 150 mins Cook’s tips Cooking the pork slowly stops the meat from getting tough. The idea...
Egg-topped smokey aubergine salad Serves: 2 Prep: 10 mins Cook: 25 mins When cooked over open fire, aubergine has an amazing way of transforming its flavour...
Smoked Salmon Laksa with soft boiled egg Serves: 2 Prep: 5 mins Cook: 25 mins Cook’s Tip I always cook my eggs in salted water and then remove from...
Wok fried egg and spicy minced pork with garlic & ginger Serves: 2 Prep: 10 mins Cook: 10 mins Cook’s tips The best way to set yourself up for cooking this dish is...