The British Lion training Passport Since its ambitious launch at the start of the decade, The Lion Training Passport has revolutionised industry-wide training practices, helping to raise skill levels and ensure consistently high standards on farm.
The British Lion eggs journey: consumers eating out of home We asked the British public where they thought the eggs come from when they're eating out of home. The response was resounding... The British public wants and expects British eggs when eating out. Specify British Lion eggs to keep your customers happy and ensure the highest standards of food safety.
The British Lion eggs journey: The world's most comprehensive food safety standard Independent food safety expert Sterling Crew and British Egg Industry Council Chairman Andrew Joret discuss the food safety benefits provided by British Lion eggs and the issues around imported eggs.
The British Lion eggs journey: Auditing Independent food safety expert Sterling Crew speaks to Penny Sawyer, Poultry Agricultural Manager for auditing firm NSF, about the role auditing plays in ensuring the highest standards of egg safety for the British Lion eggs supply chain series.
The British Lion eggs journey: Feed Food safety expert Dr Lisa Ackerley interviews Edwin Snow from Quality Solutions Ltd about the critical role feed plays in ensuring the highest standards of egg safety for the Lion supply chain series.
The British Lion eggs journey: Hatcheries Food safety expert Dr Lisa Ackerley interviews Joice and Hill Managing Director Nick Bailey about the role hatcheries play in ensuring the highest egg safety standards for the British Lion supply chain series.
The British Lion eggs journey: The role of the EHO Food safety expert Dr Lisa Ackerley interviews EHO Euan MacAuslan about the importance of the Lion for foodservice for the Lion supply chain series.
The British Lion eggs journey: Farms Food safety expert Dr Lisa Ackerley interviews technical manager Charlotte Fursdon about the role of farms for the Lion supply chain series.
The British Lion eggs journey: British Egg Industry Council Mark Williams, British Egg Industry Council Chief Executive, provides an overview of the Lion Code’s world-leading safety standards for the Lion supply chain series.
The British Lion eggs journey: Packing Centre Food safety expert Dr Lisa Ackerley interviews Technical Manager Sarah Howard about the role packing centres play in ensuring the highest egg safety standards as part of the British Lion supply chain series